We are a team of health care professionals dedicated to ensuring our patients receive the absolute best professional care. Our home care programs and services are designed to help enhance every patient’s independence.
Skilled Nursing
Our team of Registered Nurses (RN) and a few carefully selected Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) make up care teams who manage medication, wound care, vitals tracking, infusion sites, feeding tube sites, and medical education.
Physical Therapy
Our team is designed to help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility at home after hospitalization, to increase safety at home, and to provide a bridge to outpatient therapy services. Our therapists come from many different subspecialties, including but not limited to the following: Orthopedics, Neurology, Cardiology, and Pulmonology.
Occupational Therapy
Our team of Occupational Therapists (OT) enables patients to participate in the activities of everyday life at home and prepare them, if possible, to maximize their safety and independence with community re-entry.
Speech Therapy
Our team of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) provides treatment, support, and care for patients who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking, and swallowing. We offer vital stimulation and many other swallowing-difficulty improvement techniques.
Medical Social Work
Social workers at James River Home Health are well versed in the subspecialty of providing resources and counseling to patients in a medical setting. Our social workers are trained specifically in handling transitional medical questions for a multitude of needs. They can also assist with medical insurance navigation for state and federal programs.
Home Health Aide
Depending on patients’ needs, we staff an aide as a short-term resource and bridge—this aide can help patients as they recover or set up other helping services. Home Health Aides are charged with helping patients with daily living activities such as, but not limited to, bathing and meal preparations.